A top 10 place on the Apple Podcasts Charts for sale
My articles
Apple Podcast Charts for sale. iTunes charts are so easy to manipulate you can now buy your way into the charts.
This week’s column is all about new station Love Sport who are doing some clever things
Can media’s future be predicted by radio’s past? Alan Cross links to an old Medium post I made a few years ago. Nice to be reminded of that.
United States
How much is a spot on Apple Podcast Charts worth? RAIN covers Podnews’s piece, and highlights some interesting parallels with Spotify
Interesting. TuneIn is not accepting new radio stations to its directory. Wonder why; perhaps it’s nothing more exciting than just database maintenance.
The FCC seizes pirate radio equipment in Manhattan. I idly wondered how often the UK’s Ofcom do that - they responded to me on Twitter and told me.
Listening to Radio Streams in USA Represents Less than 10% of All Listening to Broadcast Radio according to new data from Edison Research. In the UK it’s 9.3% incidentally. It is not a big number. This surprises many. (And smart speakers are a tiny proportion).
United Kingdom
James Purnell of the BBC (who are behind other broadcasters in digital takeup) makes another “yeah but no” noise about DAB switchover, as digital listening now accounts for more than 50% of UK radio listening. Matt Deegan is bullish about the future. Adam Bowie also dives into the new RAJAR data.
What can Spotify tell us about the economy? - some people are using big data to work out the direction of the economy, reports the BBC.
Nice coverage of Sean Moncrieff on Newstalk
There was a new drivetime show on Radio 2 this week. Beforehand, Simon Mayo says his last few weeks as a solo presenter was ‘difficult and upsetting’; he’s now paired-up with Jo Wiley. Initial reviews on social media I’ve seen is not that positive, but it’s early days…
Advice For Working In Radio, From Professionals: some good tips in here
This week’s column is all about new station Love Sport who are doing some clever things
Radio job: Head of Creative, Hallam FM - always odd seeing your old job being recruited. Apply if you love electricity pylons!
BBC presenter Paul Barnes resigns - cites no increase in show fee in five years, and increase in paperwork
News UK is moving its radio and podcast operation into the heart of its publishing empire - I think this is the beginning of the most serious radio competition the BBC has had for a while.
Very good GDPR advice. It’s why neither @mediainfo nor @podnews will be sending out those reconsent emails.
Old ‘Radio Listening’ measurement charts no longer tell the full story, argues Steve Ahern. (Radio is a thing, not a platform: and the difficulty with many measurement techniques is that they get overly concerned about the platform, not the thing.)
I do enjoy reviewing new radio receivers. (I give private feedback too). This little one is pretty fun.
Good luck to Christian O’Connell for his new life in Melbourne - the press releases are already coming out down here.
In Canada, someone’s enjoying their radio a little too much…
India: Almost one million cars in India have DRM fitted as standard. That is really very surprising. (The benefit, perhaps, of India having its own car industry).
Germany: I’m interviewed here, perplexingly speaking perfect German, about the Apple Podcast Charts. Ja, ja. Achtung!