A prize goes on the first day of a promotion; and is podcasting going to eat radio?

Fun to see a crossover between @worldworldpics, my (rapidly ageing) collection of ‘World’s, and the world of radio thanks to Brisbane’s 4ZZZ.
- Will podcasting eat radio?, I asked this week. I’m not convinced that radio companies across the world are doing enough.
United States
Student-run radio finds a fan
Here’s why radio in cars - particularly DAB and HD - needs to get better and simpler
AM radio is doing well in Puerto Rico - at least temporarily
Some radio stations have just been bought using crypto-currency in the US (see page 4). Because why not.
‘Why are listeners choosing Pandora or Spotify over radio?’ - interesting article, particularly for the comments. Odd, too, seeing such a negative leading question (and one that is currently not actually factually correct) from a radio industry title.
United Kingdom
Big radio job here, with a big budget and strong talent. Wow.
What’s It Like to be a Guest on Question Time? - some nice background from Iain Dale
At PRS for Music, broadcast revenue is up 8.5%. (Curious - that’s significantly higher than commercial radio revenue has increased). Trebles all round!
Nik Goodman on That Bauer Announcement
Want to watch some decent (and recent) TV ads for radio stations? Here are some…
‘DAB radio was the future … until live streaming and podcasts arrived’, says The Conversation. Possibly in need of a fact check, this story; DAB’s four times as large as “live streaming and podcasts” in the UK. Bet nobody picks them up on it, though.
Compare My Radio - surprised to discover this is still going. Very useful tool for comparing UK radio music policies.
Lucky listener, unlucky radio station, as a prize goes on the first play of the mechanic. Oops!
Important biscuit news update, courtesy of the nation’s broadcaster
I apppear to have missed this car crash of an interview on 4BC and 2GB with Alan Jones.
Imagine if this government inquiry were to happen in the UK with the BBC… and I’m not, for a moment, suggesting it should. It’s curious how much of the Australian government is driven by Rupert Murdoch, even still.
- Earlier, the government gave $30m to Murdoch’s Foxtel, to pay for sports programming (that will be behind the Foxtel paywall). Inexplicably, this isn’t seen as much of a scandal.
India: VTION pulls data from smartphones to provide real-time radio analytics to advertisers. This is a clever use of data, if it can be extrapolated to reflect the full audience.
South Africa: 15 radio stations were taken off-air for not paying their transmission bills. They’re back on-air now.
TIL there was such a thing as ‘public radio cake week’ in the US.
Japan: Today, I was honoured to speak on Tokyo’s J-WAVE 30th Anniversary Special with John Kabila. Special day for Tokyo radio listeners.
If live broadcast is so important for radio, why do you only have one live broadcast? asks Tommy Ferraz.
Denmark: WARM - World Airplay Radio Monitor - clever idea for musicians, this: you can monitor individual songs played on the radio.
Broadcaster? Want to be on DAB+ in Milan, Italy? Here’s how…
Which songs in your station’s playlists are getting cranked up? - really clever idea, this, by Nobex. Monitor the volume control and all kinds of nice things happen.
Canada-eh - I’ll be at CRAFT Market in Vancouver on Tuesday May 1st from 5.30pm. Primarily an event for Podnews, come and meet up with podcasters and audio types, and buy someone nice a beer.