Spinoff stations grow overall reach

The UK’s radio figures, RAJAR, were published. Matt Deegan has some good analysis, as ever - particularly interesting is the analysis of “spinoff stations”, like Heart 80s or Absolute 90s, and the effect they have on their “main” stations. No erosion at all: instead, an overall increase in audience. US radio, pay attention.
Virgin Radio was running online spinoffs in 2000 - a Virgin Radio Wheels of Steel stream (hastily rechristened Virgin Radio PARTY! in 2001), and the classic rock service Virgin Radio Classic Rock (and which Paul Jackson launched on DAB in 2004). New music station Virgin Radio Xtreme launched in 2005.
Clive Dickens is credited by Matt as coming up with the concept: I’m not sure he did, but Clive certainly grasped the opportunity offered to him by new platforms, and put them on a much more sensible business footing.
Last time round, I looked at BBC Radio 4’s Today programme, and ABC RN’s Breakfast program; looking at the subjects covered and the types of show they both were.
One person said “you should listen to Morning Edition”, and so I did, listening to WBEZ’s Morning Edition. I was surprised by the sound of it - lots of voices, lots of opt-points, lots of underwriting credits (is there a more boring and dull mechanism for a radio ad in the world, I wonder), and the experience left me a bit cold.
Delighted to also sample Nick Ferrari at breakfast on LBC. Lots of very clever techniques from the show - clips to introduce a story, talkback that works and adds to the show, good use of reporters around the country, and a way of explaining slang. It was a great listen.
And today I also sampled RTÉ Radio 1’s Morning Ireland, which was much more accessible and modern-sounding than perhaps I was expecting.
These are fun to do; and thank you to Radio Monitor for giving me assistance.
Worth keeping a look at BBC Sounds, and its changing consumption.
In Q1/21, the BBC Sounds app achieved 149mn plays of on-demand radio and podcasts, while BBC podcasts were downloaded 265mn times worldwide elsewhere.
In Q4/23, just announced, the BBC Sounds app now achieves 231mn plays of on-demand radio and podcasts, while BBC global podcast downloads have shrunk to 222mn.
BBC Sounds on-demand audio has grown by 55% in two years; while BBC third-party podcast consumption has fallen by 16%.
I’m sure part of the BBC will see this as a success. I do wonder, though, whether the dip in third-party podcast consumption is something to be concerned about.
Thank you to the good folks at LFM Audio for becoming my latest supporter for this newsletter; they make imaging, jingles and ads, and there are lots to listen to on their website.
They’re also the second “title sponsor for this newsletter while it’s not actually sponsored”.
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Coming up…
- The Norwegian Local Radio Association’s national conference, Oslo (Mar 15)
- Radiodays Europe, Munich (Mar 17-19)
- (in London, Mar 21)
- Evolutions by Podcast Movement, Los Angeles (Mar 26-29)
- The Podcast Show, London (May 22-23)
- (in New York, Monday May 27)
- Momentum 24, Orlando (May 29-31)
- Radiodays North America, Toronto (Jun 3-4)
- Radiodays Asia, Kuala Lumpur (Sep 2-4)
Thank you to LFM Audio, Radio.co, Broadcast Radio, Clyde Broadcast. Richard Hilton and James Masterton, Brun Audio Consulting, Soma FM and Media Realm’s MetaRadio.
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Please do follow me on Mastodon, too: I’m @james@bne.social there. I’m much more active there than anywhere else.
My professional website has more detail about who I am, and what I do, and whether I can help you further; and you can hear this newsletter being read to you on a podcast player near you - just search for “James Cridland - radio futurologist”.