James Cridland

New radio, new talent, and AM

My new little radio

Above - as I do a bit of travel over the next month, I’ve got a fancy travel radio, the XHDATA D-808. However, it won’t be very useful in Oslo, since it doesn’t have DAB… but looking at the LCD display, I can see “DAB” there, so I do wonder whether there is a new version of this coming out with DAB inside? That would be excellent.

Where do we get new talent?

I enjoyed a discussion on social media recently about how people got their first radio show on a big station. For people my age, it was normally an overnight shift.

It’s hard these days to find new talent: since overnight shifts don’t exist, either being networked in, or being run by a computer. There seems very few ways to get on-air via a quiet shift that very few people will hear.

However, BBC Radio 1 (new music + CHR) has a much better plan: to use the period between Christmas and New Year to put new talent on the air. If you’re quick, you can get your application in. “Radio 1 want to hear from DJs and presenters with previous radio experience, be it in community, hospital, student or local radio.”

This is a great idea: and exactly the type of thing that the BBC ought to be doing. A great way to find new talent, and also (coincidentally) a way to fill your schedules during a holiday period. Such a great plan - and in its first four years it’s already seen thirteen participants doing additional shows on the station.

One for youth public radio stations everywhere?


In the US, the House of Representatives is reviewing “the AM Radio For Every Vehicle Act”, a piece of legislation aimed at ensuring that AM radio is not removed from car radio receivers, “because emergencies”.

John “Cats” Catsimatidis, “a true self-made billionaire, philanthropist, and former NYC mayoral candidate“, has been buying full-page ads in the New York Post - like the one below - raising awareness of the issue. He’s the owner of 77 WABC, an AM radio station in New York, so he’s got considerable skin in the game.

I’ve written much about AM’s decline; but it should be noted that in Europe, a piece of legislation aimed at ensuring that DAB was put into all cars, “because emergencies”, was passed - and is a good reason for the success of DAB on the continent.

Save AM press ad

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Where I am speaking next


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