James Cridland

Exclusivity, multi-standards, and multi-platform

Bell Media in Ottawa

Above: Bell Media in Ottawa, Canada. The studios are right next to tourist attraction ByWard Market: the faux transmission tower is a bit over the top. (Looks like there are two microwave antennas on there for transmitter links, otherwise it’s almost entirely ornamental). The building didn’t entirely feel loved, with a closed store, an empty reception area, and boards covering up the remaining windows.

“If we aren’t on platforms like Spotify and Apple Podcasts, we won’t reach the people” was one (welcome) thought about podcast exclusivity at the recent Public Broadcasters International conference. However, as my blog post on podcast exclusivity - and public service broadcasting suggests, there were lots of different views. I know where I stand, though!


  • Kyle and Jackie O’s networking onto KIIS in Melbourne appears to have been nowhere near as successful as anyone thought, posting its worst figures yet in survey 6, with a 5.2% share. (A year ago, the previous show was posting 7.9%). The Melbourne Radio Wars podcast is a worthy listen: an analytical, intelligent podcast by a number of people including one of K&J’s former PDs.

  • Interesting to see a company demonstrate a multi-standard digital radio receiver. RF2Digital showed off a device that supports both DRM and DAB+ in Band III; and Starwaves, who also promoted a device that deals with DRM and DAB+ reception. It sounds like Indonesia plans to use both standards for the 280mn people who live there.

  • The UK’s RAJAR released its MIDAS survey for Summer 2024. The survey looks at all audio content - streaming music, radio, podcasts, and a fourth thing called “catch up radio”, which is kept separate in the country for historical and rights reasons. There is some new data around need-states - the only reason people listen to podcasts is to “broaden my horizons”, apparently. Wait - Adam Bowie had the same comment, and they appear to have given him a corrected chart. Let’s hope they update the one on their website, too.

As you can see below, I’m just about to go out to Norway, Sweden and Denmark (and to give out an award in London). While I’m sorted for wonderful Copenhagen, if you’re in Stockholm or in Oslo, please do let me know the whereabouts of a good beer and/or coffee.

Oh, and… if you don’t see the picture of Bell Media at the top of this email, would you mind letting me know? I’m testing something…

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Where I am speaking next


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