AI starts making radio ads

Above: see you at NAB?
Good job I don’t write radio commercials any more: this AI tool seems to have made me redundant. It’s a tool that makes radio ads (or, indeed, podcast ads) on spec, using AI scripting and AI. You just give it a brief, and it writes the spot and voices it, too.
Of what I’ve seen so far, it’s very smart: and of course I asked for an ad, so here’s one.
(Don’t go using this anywhere, please, I probably shouldn’t have posted it here anyway)
Sometimes, it’s easy to book the airtime, but making the radio ad is a bit of a kerfuffle - so anything that helps is an interesting idea. One less buying objection. Interesting idea.
World’s biggest broadcaster - world’s worst HR department
Canadian radio? 78% reach, 1.8 hours listening a day, apparently - a big increase of total time spent listening over the past two years. Podcasting about half as big though. Source: Vividata
Interesting thoughts about the future of music radio. “music itself is no longer at the heart of any youth or counter-culture”. Off of Twitter, but I’m now linking to the privacy-friendly Nitter instead, because Elon Musk is a fool.
US radio analyst Sean Ross listens to Ken Bruce’s second hour on Greatest Hits Radio.
The Mirror reports on “Britain’s dirtiest radio”. It’s a great stunt by Fix Radio.
Want to supercharge your radio show? Here’s a £1 week-long trial of Show Prep - from a world class radio consultant and the best show-prep writer in the UK. Great for UK stations, or for English-language stations everywhere, too. (ad)
Thank you to Richard Hilton and James Masterton, as well as Brun Audio Consulting, Soma FM and Media Realm’s radio websites for your ongoing support of this newsletter.
Soma FM has renewed its annual support: I first met Rusty Hodge in June 2010. The company runs over 30 channels of listener-supported, commercial-free stations. Below - their “unchanged since 2010” logo.
Media Realm, run by Anthony Eden, helps radio broadcasters connect with their audiences, using world class tools; they’re currently managing more than 144 websites for radio and other organisations. Below: their new fancy logo!
If you’d like to support my work in any way, you can BuyMeACoffee - become a member to give regularly (this now works) or just give a one-off coffee, or five. Here’s where to do that.
I’m at the NAB Show on April 17; Spotify’s event in Berlin on April 20; the New Zealand Podcast Summit in mid May; the Podcast Show 2023 in London at the end of May; and Radiodays North America in Toronto in early June. Here are my contact details if you’re there, too.
I’m on Mastodon as (or just search for my regular email address).
My professional website has more detail about who I am, and what I do, and whether I can help you further.