Radio hunkers down

(Above: logo lolly? Global Radio’s London HQ gets beamed around the world on BBC News)
It’s not fun, this virus - and not fun for the financial impact, which I gather is significant.
All the data I’m seeing is showing that streaming of radio stations is significantly increasing - because we’re at home, with our smart speaker, and with access to plenty of bandwidth. Radio would do well to ensure that the stream sounds as good as possible. If you’re replacing ads in your stream, are they being replaced cleanly and well, and are you harming your audience by playing four crappy PSAs round and round and round? Does your stream sound as well processed as your FM audio (and if not, how can you fix that)?
In terms of programming: I’m not a radio programmer. But it seems to me that we owe it to our audience to give them timely, sensible, information. It doesn’t benefit anyone to spread ill-informed rumour; not to dumbly attempt to politicise a virus. Use of words like “lockdown” are inflammatory and spread concern and worry - if you can go to the supermarket, it is not a lockdown, and you are merely encouraging panic buying. Now is not the time for exaggeration or wild speculation.
We also owe it to our audience to recognise that a) there will be kids listening much more than normal now, so less effing and blinding, and less naughty talk; b) your audience might want to hear a little more about anything other than the coronavirus, and a feel-good radio station ought to be focusing on feel-good stories from the virus, surely; c) a random piece of automated rubbish or re-runs of old programs will only serve to annoy, not to benefit the audience; d) your DJs are human too, and they should be using every effort to connect with audiences on a human level. The fact many are broadcasting from home is a thing to use, not to hide.
My definition of radio is “a shared experience with a human connection” (in audio form, of course). Now is the time to make the most of that. It’s the thing that Spotify can’t offer.
I bang on about radio no longer needing big expensive studio facilities, and congratulations to the many people who are now broadcasting from home: and it’s a shame to notice that the cuts at the BBC have meant that we’re temporarily without Rhod Sharp, who’s been broadcasting from home for much of his time at Up All Night.
Just like many things after this virus, I suspect that radio broadcasting will never be the same again. I suspect we’re seeing quite a few people realise that fancy studios might not be required any more. 58% of stations, apparently, according to iHeartMedia’s Inside Radio, have many broadcasters from home.
Good luck, folks.
An overnight presenter for talkRADIO stopped doing his show last week. Congratulations both to Darryl Morris for writing this, but also having a great management team that understood why. (He’s back.)
In London, they’ve turned on mobile phone coverage in tube tunnels (albeit only the bits of the Jubilee Line that have doors). This is possibly good news for podcasts and radio streaming.
In Canada, the CBC have stopped bothering doing local TV newscasts. No matter how difficult life is, the way you highlight what a great public service broadcaster you are is by continuing to offer a service - not by just giving up. Astonishingly bad decision.
I use Sendy to send this mailing list out. It’s like MailChimp, but no monkeying around with high fees (it’s 100x cheaper). The API is a most excellent thing (and, as a result, media·info uses it to send out the daily news briefings too). Very good for your station/podcast. ($)
Live radio will get us through the coronavirus (yes, claims a radio presenter)
Variety magaazine implores us: Radio, Don’t Blow Your Chance to Matter Again - and this piece was written before (and doesn’t mention) any stupid virus.
Wow - the Lexile Audio Analyzer measures how easy audio is to understand. One for news bulletins? Or adverts? Interesting new tech.
Alfred Radio have started their daily 30-minute radio show for the residents of a small Dorset town. The “station” isn’t broadcasting yet - it’s a podcast, but probably all the better for it.
BBC Sounds has got a swanky new connected TV app. Bravo, this looks ace.
Decent radio is more than just show and go. Here’s a £1 week-long trial of Show Prep that’ll supercharge any radio show. ($)
Fake news, but rather fine nonetheless - Jonathan Pie, a faux news reporter, has been sent home to self-isolate
Global and BBC both say radio streaming is increasing, though the BBC News headline is misleading, claiming that “radio listening is booming”. Streaming is up, as I understand it. Our homes have plentiful wifi, and smart speakers that can be used as radio receivers. Indeed, my home has no AM/FM/DAB receivers in it at all (apart from my daughter’s room). What I don’t know is whether radio listening itself is increasing, or whether this is substitution of a small portion of broadcast listening to online. (If you commute, you’re unlikely to use streaming in the car, since your favourite station is probably available on AM/FM/DAB). I think it incorrect to claim radio listening is increasing. I don’t see any data supporting that theory. I wonder whether there is any evidence showing a resurgence of people inexplicably listening to the radio. I’d hope there is.
A tweet from JACK 96.9 in Vancouver - this is a fun thing.
Thank you to Rupert Brun, Barrie Stephenson, Cleanfeed and Richard Hilton for your continued support.
($) denotes affiliate links, obviously.