When should you ignore the data? And the UK's new RAJARs

David Lloyd, above, in full effect at the European Radio Show. Not pictured - the three minutes where he cuddled a balloon.
I’m in Los Angeles all week at Podcast Movement Evolutions. It’ll be my first time in downtown LA. Looking forward to it!
Ed contacts me with The CPN Project, an interesting-looking project. Funded by the EU, it “offers news organisations transparent & easily integrated software to personalise their content.” It works in English, Dutch and Greek, and looks interesting: lots of user-testing and open results from their work.
David Phillips is one of the cleverest people I know (and certainly one of the nicest-dressed). He works for the Canadian audience research company NLogic, and this recent edition of the Sound Off Podcast is worth a listen - a quite compelling argument for ignoring what the data says and using your gut, as well as a peek into Canadian broadcasting.
Jon Sopel thinks that the impartiality required by the BBC can make for quite boring content. I think I’d partially agree with that: the BBC News website is functional but quite dull - but I think you can make some interesting content (not least, Brexitcast.) It’s quite a balancing act.
I use Sendy to send this mailing list out. It’s like MailChimp, but no monkeying around with high fees (it’s 100x cheaper). The API is a most excellent thing (and, as a result, media·info uses it to send out the daily news briefings too). Very good for your station/podcast.
Decent radio is more than just show and go. A £1 week-long trial of Show Prep will make your show rather better.
In the world of podcasting, an interesting tie-up with Sony and Somethin’Else. Sony Music appear to be into podcasting in a way no other record company is: I wonder what their end goal is?
Alert! #lazybugglesheadline spotted! - thanks to Oliver Needham
How’s radio going in the US? Pandora earnt $1.6bn in revenue; SiriusXM satellite radio earnt $6.1bn, according to their financial results. (The reason I quote these two? It’s radio. Isn’t it?)
A long read about Magic, the national radio brand in the UK. I suspect someone at Bauer saw the FT’s coverage of LBC and wondered if they could get a bit of that; and Cat Martin ‘magically’ pulling this out of the hat. Nice piece: I’ve also enjoyed watching a bit of video content from the breakfast show trying to find a particularly velvet-voiced train announcer.
Interesting chart from iHeartRadio in the US, suggesting that younger people listen to more ‘audio’ than older. Not visible: what audio they’re actually listening to.
As an aside: does anyone know when you say “iHeartRadio” and when you say “iHeartMedia”? Is there a cheat-sheet or some easy-to-follow rule? I’ve asked the PR team, but either a) they hate me, b) they didn’t get the email, or c) they don’t know. Here’s hoping it’s b).
The UK’s new radio figures are out. Lots of good news - but curious that none of the coverage or think-pieces I’ve read about these RAJAR figures mention that they’re new record low figures for radio listening (in terms of reach and hours listened). There’s lots of good stories - but I worry for the UK industry’s complacency.
Alexa, why is this radio station promoting an on-demand music service? Do you think they know what they’re doing? Alexa?
Thank you to Rupert Brun, Barrie Stephenson, Cleanfeed and Richard Hilton for your continued support.