Radiodays Europe starts, and user interfaces for radio

Hello from the start of Radiodays Europe, the big radio convention, which this year is in Lausanne, Switzerland. You’d be very advised to watch #rde19 for the latest over the next few days.
In case you missed it from last week, the BBC pulls out of Google Podcasts - a concerning development for podcast app developers and others. There was an update to this story on Wednesday. I think management changes are making the BBC much more aggressive and far less interested in collaboration: and I think that’s a matter for regret.
Part of US radio are moving to continuous radio measurement (like other countries have done). Big changes in programming ahead.
User interface remains important, and something radio manufacturers rarely get right. Here’s an example of a US radio listener discovering the wacky UX on his HD radio, and is delighted with the additional choice: if only he knew about it sooner…
…. meanwhile in the UK, here’s a company making radio for older people. Not as stupid as it first seems. Finding a DAB radio with clear presets, a rotary volume control, and an obvious power button is really, really hard. Good on them. What’s the worst bit of user interface on your radio? I’d love to know.
Really enjoying Full Disclosure with James O’Brien - nice to hear interviews given enough time. A recommended podcast.
Teens Are Teaching Their Parents to Stream, and Radio Is Worried, according to this headline from Rolling Stone, though radio doesn’t seem very worried upon reading the article.
Time for All-Digital AM? Petition for Rulemaking Asks that the FCC Allow It - they’d be using HD on AM in the US, rather than the international DRM standard, which is a potential mistake. But I think there is certainly something in trying to breathe new life into AM with an all-digital signal.
Is there difference between radio and podcast listening? Mike Dell has some interesting thoughts in his latest podcast. Oh, and this is also the new Google Podcasts experience on desktop.
Happy April Fool’s day. I’ve just been on World Radio Switzerland, who is playing out a report saying that the UK is joining Switzerland as a new state - which is one way out of the Brexit mess, I guess. However, for US radio, the FCC has a Hoax Rule which it’s worth remembering about: and I’m always a little wary of damaging listener trust.
Gillian Reynolds knows what’s going on with the BBC, perhaps.