BBC blocks Google from its podcasts
I’m looking forward to being at Radiodays Europe this time next week. I’m on +61 447 692743 (WhatsApp works too) if you’d like to catch up. I do drink beer, too. (Look.)
UK: Good luck listening to the latest Brexit podcast from the BBC on your Google Home - the BBC have blocked Google from indexing all their podcasts. (This is a sneak preview of a Podnews story later today).
Applying for a radio job? Here are some decent tips
UK: Delighted to discover that BBC Radio Leeds, when it launched, had a talking budgerigar as its main gimmick.
US: This edition of On The Media should be required listening for all journalists. Don’t give notoriety to killers.
UK: JACKfm in Oxford are very good. They’re moving out of their dumpy building: so far, they’ve let their listeners look round, and they’re now looking for the last voice from the dumpy building. (Although - aren’t all JACKfm buildings “dumpy”?)
UK: David Lloyd loves this “beautiful, text-book breakfast story arc” from Absolute Radio’s Dave Berry.
Canada: It isn’t every day that you see a radio station on the front of a TV Guide. Except for this day, in British Columbia.