Podcast measurement - more fractured than radio?

Above: the little Google Home Hub. It seems to work pretty well as a radio device, and - of course - does rather a lot more. I ought to write a review about this thing shortly.
My article
- Podcast measurement: more standardised than you’d think - a response to a disappointing and inaccurate move from parts of the Australian radio industry to denigrate podcasting. It’s particularly unwise to try this from a greenhouse surrounded by gravel, in my view.
Canada: what an enjoyable podcast this is - Tai Asks Why, presented by an eleven year-old. Great idea, really nicely executed by the CBC.
Norway: There are concerns that US Navy ships will cause interference for DAB broadcasts in the country. (DAB broadcasts - everywhere - use the same frequencies as the US military, which is one reason why DAB never really got anywhere in the US). I suspect this is part of the campaign against DAB by a few fringe agitators, and that there’s going to be absolutely no issue whatsoever: if anything, the concern ought to be with the US, who might have to cope with high-powered DAB transmissions from the UK and much of continental Europe whilst on manoeuvres.
South Africa: The GOOD NEWS Radio station - I think there’s lots to learn from this station in Cape Town. The hourly drip-drip of relentlessly negative news must be having adverse mental health effects, and I believe that it’s only a matter of time before we see class-action law-suits against some news broadcasters, to be honest.
Europe: DAB Stations Applaud Mandatory In-Car DAB Radios, But Want More - the EU is slowly voting for DAB+ receivers to be mandatory in cars, which makes great sense, though parts of the industry are also arguing for mandatory FM switchoff, which I’m less keen on.
United States
American sportsball coverage goes hideously wrong on the radio. There must be a tech solution to ensure this doesn’t (can’t) happen.
More growth for smart speakers. Good news for radio, you’d think.
Has podcasting failed? - Nick Hilton posts a good and considered piece about podcasting’s slow growth, though spends a long time saying what a dreadful state radio’s in. (Radio in the UK vs podcasting: six times as many listeners, who listen 25 times longer.)
United Kingdom
RAJAR, the country’s radio measurement, released their latest quarterly survey last week. Here are the headlines from Matt Deegan and Adam Bowie. Adam points out that total time spent listening to radio is down by 1.9% year-on-year.
Interesting idea for an all-female radio station, which has launched in the UK on national DAB.
Bet you wish your regulator was hot like Ofcom. They’ve reported on the BBC’s performance: they’re not very impressed in certain areas of the Corporation’s performance, and particularly critical of BBC THREE, the what-was-once-TV service for younger audiences.
Classical music station ABC Classic FM is to lose the “FM” early next year, and be rebranded “ABC Classic”. A sign of the multiplatform nature of radio.
Podcast listening is rising, but there are massive areas of growth still to come says a wise man in the Sydney Morning Herald and the Melbourne Age. Wait. I recognise this man.
Deloitte media consumer survey for Australia. It’s a little thin on one part of the media: radio gets mentioned just twice.