James Cridland

Mmm. Nano

Feeling a little low on Friday, so treat myself to a small present: an iPod Nano. And a wallet to put it in.

This is a splendid, splendid thing. In particular, the podcast support is excellent. So, I decided to go on a trawl and find out what else I could listen to - as a result, I’ve added a ton more podcasts to my list. I was rather taken aback at the new names in the iTunes top 100 that have evidently appeared in the last month; some really nice big names in there. I wonder what kind of traffic they’re pulling?

Want to know what I’ve got in my little podcast pocket of fun? Okay then…

43 Folders
2600: The Hacker Quarterly
Chris Evans - the best bits
Iain Lee - the best of
Lonely Planet Podcasts
New Scientist Podcast
On The Media
Richard Bacon: The Go Home Show
Science Friday
Security Now!
Slashdot Review
Telegraph Podcast
This week in Tech
WNYC’s New York Edition

I’ve not heard all of these, but I do recommend Leo Laporte’s ‘This week in tech’ (let’s go out on a limb and say it’s best when Dvorak’s on, since he appears to be universally hated on the twit boards). Security Now is kind of okay; again a Laporte production, joined by the almost frothing-at-the-mouth Steve Gibson, who’d do well to remember to calm a little and not sensationalise. The 2600 podcast started off as a little bit of a let-down, but has got better as I continued listening; and I’ve heard the thanksgiving show only, which sounds as if it might not be the standard show.

Looking forward to seeing what print media is doing, with the Telegraph Podcast; listening to what Richard Bacon’s up to on his podcast, and finding out whether On The Media is ever going to bloody download. Seemingly, at the moment, never…

A view from the future: This would have been the Apple iPod Nano first generation, which I used exclusively for podcasts. The next day, I had listened to some of these.